Lower School
Be’er Hagolah Lower School offers an exciting and engaging Judaic Studies p
rogram. Our dedicated Rebbeim and teachers instill a love of Judaism and impart the knowledge necessary to nurture academic and personal growth. Our Judaic curriculum begins with Kriyah, progresses to Chumash with Rash”i and then advances to Mishnah (boys). Exciting activities highlight the school year as students celebrate the chagim with their relevant customs. We aim to give each student the foundation of skills and appreciation of who they are, in order to prepare them for successful middle school years.

Our devoted General Studies teachers serve as warm and caring role models for our students. They are committed to developing the whole child— both emotionally and scholastically. Our staff benefits from ongoing professional development, ensuring that instruction reflects up-to-date methods. We offer a balanced literacy model, while providing leveled text for each student. We encourage our readers to take advantage of the libraries in each classroom. Our curriculum is Common Core aligned. Our carefully monitored classrooms offer an engaging atmosphere that fosters a structured and focused approach to learning. We are confident that our students are well prepared as they continue on to middle school.
- Character development programs
- Educational trips
- Hands-on science lab
- Success Maker computer program
- MS Office applications
- Art
- Physical Education (Gym)
- Monthly Rosh Chodesh assemblies
- Chanukah and Purim Chagiga
- Model Seder
- Presentations of Siddur and Chumash